Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Village Inn

Mom had back to school night tonight, and since she's gone back to work I've exhausted every possible fast food option, so I put the kids in their church clothes and took them to Village Inn for dinner. It was about as funny as that movie, The Village. The highlights...

I watched a grown man wait for the coast to be clear and sneak into the server station, grab about 40 napkins, stuff them inside his button-down shirt and make a hasty exit with his best girl.

I watched my daughter blow her straw wrapper clear over the head of her intended target (her brother) and hit the lady in the booth behind us. I'm a good father.

I watched a stretch limo drop off 8 people who spent all of 12 seconds in the lobby before realizing that Applebee's was accross the street. Actually they were on a scavenger hunt, but they seemed intent on spending as little time as possible with us common folk.

And the highlight for me was the sign that read:
"Special of the Day:
We seat incomplete parties at our discretion."

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My Favorites

My favorite type of salt is iodized.
My favorite type of flour is all-purpose.
My favorite type of parking is no overnight.
My favorite type of pregnancy is teen.
My favorite type of brown sugar is pure-cane.
My favorite type of gow is hoose.
My favorite type of wear is active.
My favorite type of cloudy is mostly.
My favorite type of 2:30 is ante meridiem.
My favorite type of town is man about.
My favorite type of jump is standing broad.
My favorite type of agreement is non-binding verbal.
My favorite type of roof is hot tin.
My favorite types of islets are of langerhans.
My favorite type of ship is the mother.
My favorite type of ground ball is seeing-eye.
My favorite type of legal is perfectly.
My favorite type of pants is hot.
My favorite type of talk is pillow.
My favorite type of shirt is muscle.
My favorite type of genius is diabolical.
My favorite type of orange is agent.
My favorite type of plane is da.
My favorite type of place is running in.
My favorite type of summer is Henry Lee.
My favorite type of punch is three-hole.
My favorite type of warning is winter storm.
My favorite type of thriller is psychological.
My favorite type of successor is hand-picked.
My favorite type of investigation is ongoing.
My favorite type of panic is widespread.
My favorite type of lamb is on the.
My favorite type of axle is triple.
My favorite type of engagement is limited.
My favorite type of steering is rack and pinion.
My favorite type of shui is feng.
My favorite type of tang is pootie.
My favorite type of seat is bucket.
My favorite type of platypus is the duck-billed.
My favorite type of velva is aqua.
My favorite type of passage is nasal.
My favorite type of scotch is hop.
My favorite type of wall is load bearing.
My favorite type of rider is knight.
My favorite type of justice is meanwhile back at the hall of.
My favorite type of jerk is knee.
My favorite type of whore is two bit.
My favorite type of curl is jerry.
My favorite type of sex is post-marital.
My favorite type of red is infra.
My favorite type of jam is Lisa-Lisa and the cult.
My favorite type of ketchup is real tomato.
My favorite type of sheen is afro.
My favorite type of poeia is onomato.
My favorite type of neck is vee.
My favorite type of top is tube.
My favorite type of chief is handker.
My favorite type of back is baby’s got.
My favorite type of news is late breaking.
My favorite type of emissions is California.