Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Village Inn

Mom had back to school night tonight, and since she's gone back to work I've exhausted every possible fast food option, so I put the kids in their church clothes and took them to Village Inn for dinner. It was about as funny as that movie, The Village. The highlights...

I watched a grown man wait for the coast to be clear and sneak into the server station, grab about 40 napkins, stuff them inside his button-down shirt and make a hasty exit with his best girl.

I watched my daughter blow her straw wrapper clear over the head of her intended target (her brother) and hit the lady in the booth behind us. I'm a good father.

I watched a stretch limo drop off 8 people who spent all of 12 seconds in the lobby before realizing that Applebee's was accross the street. Actually they were on a scavenger hunt, but they seemed intent on spending as little time as possible with us common folk.

And the highlight for me was the sign that read:
"Special of the Day:
We seat incomplete parties at our discretion."

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