Wednesday, May 2, 2007


It took a bowling commercial to bring me back to the blog.

Back when I used to work I sent an email to my HR contact complaining about being forced to go to a teambuilder at a bowling alley or take a forced vacation day. I'm guessing that was when HR first categorized me as a problem accountant. Nothing like a dumb guy using an email to simulate frantic hand waving/shouting "Look at me! Look at me!" I imagine the email put me in some type of watch program which led to them reading my blog, including this beauty about the bowling alley I didn't want to go to.

That same bowling alley taunted me tonight in one of the most ridiculous commercials I've ever seen. Incredabowl has come up with a new concept called, "The Living Room". They've converted part of the bowling alley to a more upscale environment. The usual uncomfortable chairs have been replaced with furniture you might find in your Grandma's front room.

If you're like me, you might wonder who in the bloody hell would want to sit on poofy couches while bowling. Thankfully the commercial answers that question: "Individuals wanting a little more discretion while bowling". What? I'm not sure I understand that. Is discretion really the word they're looking for? Why would anyone want to be discreet about their bowling? And what does an upscale bowling environment have to do with being discreet?

The copy writer for the ad had to be the same guy who wrote all the ridiculous notes in the lounge like "No coolers or ice chests allowed". He/she said in the TV ad that the Living Room is "the newest in chic bowling in town". Chic bowling? Really? Chic bowling is an oxymoron, yet Incredabowl is purporting themselves to be the "newest" Chic Bowling alley, as if there has been some sort of one upmanship between AMF West and Mission Bowl to become the Chic-est bowling alley in town.

As if they hadn't screwed up the copy enough, they concluded, "There's nothing like it in the state". How right they were.

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