Monday, December 19, 2005

Letter to "A Million Little Pieces" Author James Frey

Dear James Frey,

Okay. Okay. So a more appropriate title for your book would have been “Not very many little pieces” or “I’m a lying piece of….”. Big deal. Now you have a million little dollars.

We think you’re a visionary. We’ve been spreading ourselves too thin trying for two hits. You have proven that one is plenty. We’ve tried to be honest and forthright. You’ve shown that lying and conning Oprah results in a much faster track to success. We’re looking for a life coach. You seem to have mastered life.

There’s no need to submit a resume, because we all know that resumes are not held to the same standards as other works of non-fiction. In the resume genre, the writer usually takes liberties. We’ll just assume you think you’re qualified. We look forward to hearing from you.


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