Thursday, March 1, 2007

When I'm in the shower, I'm afraid to wash my hair

For best results, try listening to the audio of this Youtube clip while reading this post.

Wow. This is kind of freaking me out. I feel like a character in a John Grisham novel. I thought it was bad when HR fired me for a little, innocent urinal video.

Now, comes this. According to Google statistics, this blog received a hit from Los Alamos National Laboratory. Googling the lab provided the following, “Los Alamos National Laboratory helps to ensure the safety of the nuclear weapons stockpile and reduce the threat of terrorist attacks on our homeland.” That doesn’t exactly sound like the target audience of a lowbrow comedy blog. They sound like they take themselves even more seriously than my former company’s HR department.

Maybe running for President isn’t as hilarious as I first thought. I could try to unseat Mayor McCheese instead if it will prevent future surveillance. On the other hand, whoever logged on from Los Alamos doubled my readership that day. Thanks for tuning in. Now if you could just click on some of the Google ads...

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