Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Smarter than some?

“Smarter than some” might be stretching it. I really thought the Presidential election was this November. It turns out the 2008 election is actually going to be held in 2008. That is not at all cool. I am a fat man. Moving the finish line of the campaign trail out 12 months is like giving me a death sentence. In order to have had any chance at all, I needed the race to be a downhill sprint where my girth/momentum would give me a fighting chance. This campaign is officially on life support. I don’t have the attention span or enough material to last 21 months. I was just looking at the Presidency as a stopgap…something to make my wife quit asking when I’m going to get a job. I thought I’d go through the motions as President until I got a TV show or movie deal, at which point I’d give my two weeks notice. Now what?

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