Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Letter to Bud Light Whassup Guys

Dear Bud Light Whassup Guys,

Six years ago, you guys were on top of the world after Super Bowl Double XL. The next day, water cooler idiots everywhere were spitting on their co-workers while screaming, “Whassssssaaaaaauup”.

You have had the careers that 2HW dreams of. We long to have two hits, play in the Pebble Beach Pro-Am golf tournament, and end up the subject of a VH1 “What the hell happened to 2HW?” special.

We’ve been working on a catch phrase like “Whassup?”, but have yet to improve upon our original idea, “No, seriously, do you know who your Daddy is?” Any assistance you could give us would be greatly appreciated.

And if things go well, we promise to put in a good word for you with HR for the 2HW life coach position. That James Frey is a flake and has backed out of our non-binding one-way verbal agreement to life coach us.


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