Monday, October 2, 2006

The Fun Committee Grammar Rodeo and Chili Cook-Off

The fun committee will not stop trying to ruin my life. Two weeks ago, the self-appointed queen of the fun committee (from here on I will refer to her as “Fun Beatch” or “FB”) bombarded me with three meeting makers in a five-minute span. Each required three-hour meeting gives FB and her cronies the right to impose their fun upon me during the October, November and December fun events. Giving 90 days notice of the exact time and place I’m expected to have fun against my will is a little much.

She continued overdoing the advanced notice last week with an email giving us almost four weeks to mentally prepare to decorate our hallways with Halloween themes. At the end of the week, our director will judge our decorating skills and give away fabulous prizes. Hallway decoration week will culminate with a chili cook-off, for which there will be three more prizes. FB concluded the email by saying, “Those who would like to compete must hurry and sign up as there are limited slots available.”

FB probably should have confirmed how many chili entrants there would be before committing to give away three prizes, because less than a week later she freaked out, sending an email that read, “The chili sign up sheet is looking very empty, is there no chili cook’s around? Their has to be some great chili cook’s in (Blank)’s group?” If you’re keeping score at home, that’s grammatical errors 5…chili “cook’s” 0.

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