Sunday, October 29, 2006

I'm a Roll (sic) Model

Today, my son needed some alone time and closed the door to his room. By the time I went in to check on him he had stripped down to just his diaper. He was running from one side of the room to the other, squatting down in front of the fan until it got too cold. He’d then run to the other side of the room shivering while saying, “BRRR!!!!”

My first thought was that he’s taking my job loss a lot more seriously than me. It was as though he was getting himself ready for a long, cold winter without clothes or shelter.

After I watched him run back and forth several times, he came over to the chair I was sitting in and tried to lift up my shirt. I didn’t think much of it, because he often pulls up my shirt and stares in wonder at the many rolls that make up my belly. But, then it hit me… he was wanting me to join him for Clothing Optional Friday. Not even two years old and he’s already reading my blog! Now if I could just teach him how to click the little Google ads at the bottom of the page, he might not end up homeless and hungry.

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