Tuesday, February 13, 2007

State of the Union

It’s happened to all of us. After a long day, we collapse on the couch and turn on the TV hoping that the Gilmore Girls will help us forget about life for a while. Instead we’re greeted with a “Special Report” and are forced to suffer through a President telling us what he’s decided to do to fix all the problems that he’s created for us. Wouldn’t it be easier to cut to a shot of our fearless leader giving the thumbs down sign and then cut back to our originally scheduled programming?

When I’m President, I promise not to interrupt your favorite prime time shows. I’ll change my web address to two hit wonder dot gov and will post State of the Union Addresses in typical 2HW Letters to Hollywood format. There will be plenty of issues that I won’t have a clue how to resolve, so we’ll hold contests on the website letting Americans submit ideas to solve our problems. Come up with a plan to get us out of Iraq and win a free t-shirt. The key to democracy is getting other people to do your job.

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